
About Us
We are a small, friendly club that will teach you to slalom race whilst having fun. As long as you can snowplough turn from the top of the slope, stop and use the poma lift you can come and join us. We accept members from 4 years old up to adults.
£10 Per session, which includes hire of equipment
To join there is also an annual membership fee of £20, payable after 2 sessions.

Most of our racers initially train for fun but learning to race opens up many opportunities for competing. Usually starting with schools races together with local regional races against other clubs within the London and South-East region. Progressing to national level racing at slopes all over the country. Many of our racers have also gone on to compete on snow internationally.
Folkestone Ski Race Club is affiliated to Snowsport England and is part of the London and South-East Region (LSERSA).

Training Times
We currently train:
Tuesday 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Thursday 7.00pm - 8.30pm
Folkestone Sports Centre Trust, Radnor Park Avenue, CT19 5HX