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Code of Conduct for Athletes


As an athlete and participant in competitive snowsport I agree to follow the Athlete’s Code of Conduct as given below:

  • I will show support and respect my coach at all times

  • I will support and respect officials and volunteers involved in snowsport and understand participation in snowsport is only possible due to the time volunteers give freely to help myself and other children

  • I will support and respect my club members and other snowsport athletes

  • I will not be involved in any bullying or practice that can be deemed as bullying

  • I will demonstrate sporting behaviour at all times including competitions and decisions made

  • I will demonstrate sporting behaviour in all my activities and promote good sportsmanship, being modest in victory and gracious in defeat

  • I will act in a manner at all times that does not bring myself or my sport into disrepute during training and competition

  • I will attend and present for prize giving ceremonies should I be a prize winner unless circumstances do not allow me

  • I will not enter into relationships with other athletes on the Team while on training and race camps

  • I will read, understand and agree to abide by the Drugs and Doping policy

  • I will not use prohibited or recreational drugs, as defined by WADA 

  • I will use the internet appropriately and not use the internet, phone or other electronic device to make derogatory remarks about other competitors, teams, officials, clubs or anything related to snowsport that could bring the sport into disrepute

  • I know I am entitled to question decisions made in coaching, but I must do this appropriately and respectfully

  • I will find out who my Club Welfare Officer is and know I can talk to them if I am worried about anything

  • I recognise the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes, taking drugs and the consumption of alcohol are well recognised and can debilitate the performance of athletes.   Snowsport England actively discourages the consumption of these substances. 

  • I understand that disciplinary action may be imposed for breach of rules or for reasons of behaviour.  Any action will depend on the type and seriousness of any breach of rules or behaviour, but will be accompanied by a verbal warning and/or a written warning as necessary.  I understand athletes shall have the right to appeal all such measures, to the organisers/club in the first instance, then the Board via the Athletes Representative within 3 months of disputed disciplinary measure. 

Code of Conduct for Coaches


Coaches play a crucial role in the development of any sport and in the lives of performers that they coach. Good coaches ensure that participants in snowsports have positive experiences and are therefore more likely to continue and achieve their potential. Coaching, as an emerging profession, must demonstrate at all levels a high degree of honesty, integrity and competence. The need for coaches to understand and act upon their responsibilities is of crucial importance to snowsports, as is the need to protect the key concept of participation for fun and enjoyment as well as achievement. This is implicit within good coaching practice and promotes a professional image of the good practitioner. This Code of Practice defines all that is best in good coaching practice:

Coaches must

  • Promote the welfare and best interests of their performers

  • Assist in the creation of an environment where every individual has the opportunity to participate in snowsports

  • Create and maintain an environment free of fear and harassment for all participants, parents, volunteers officials and coaches

  • Ensure that the activities they direct or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the participant

  • Recognise the rights of all performers to be treated as individuals

  • Recognise the rights of performers to confer with other coaches and experts

  • Promote the concept of a balance lifestyle, supporting the wellbeing of the performer both in and out of snowsports

  • Not engage in behaviour that constitutes any form of abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, neglect, bullying – both on line or face to face)

  • Avoid sexual intimacy with performers either while coaching them or in the period of time immediately following the end of the coaching relationship

  • Take action if they have a concern about the behaviour of an adult towards a child by report this to the Club Welfare Officer

  • Empower performers to be responsible for their own decisions

  • Clarify the nature of the coaching services being offered to performers

  • Communicate and co-operate with other organisations and individuals in the best interests of performers

  • Be fair honest and considerate to performers and others in snowsports

  • Be positive role models for performers at all time

  • Promote the execution of safe and correct practice ensuring the environment is as safe as possible, taking into account and minimizing possible risks

  • Be professional and accept responsibility for their actions

  • Make a commitment to providing a quality service to their performers

  • Actively promote the positive benefits to society of participation in snowsports, including the positive contribution snowsports can make to achieving improved outcomes for children and young people

  • Contribute to the development of coaching as a profession by exchanging knowledge and ideas with others and by working in partnership with other agencies and professionals

  • Not use or tolerate the use of inappropriate language

  • Gain coaching qualification appropriate to the level at which they coach

  • Hold an up to date recognized Governing Body license, and operate within Snowsport England’s Governing Body’s guidelines

  • Comply with Snow Safe, SSE’s Policy for Safeguarding Children

  • Abide by the SSE Coaches Code of Conduct and Ethics

  • Abide by the SSE Anti-Bribery Policy

Code of Conduct for Parents/Carers

Snowsport England and Folkestone Ski Race Club expects the highest standards of all young people participating in snowsports and their families. Parents/carers (hereafter called parents) will:


  • Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of snowsports

  • Not use inappropriate language or gestures, including foul, sexist, abusive, racist or prejudicial language or tolerate it from other members or guests

  • Not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of discrimination if witnessed

  • Positively reinforce their child and show an interest in their snowsport activity

  • Not place their child under pressure or push them into activities they do not want to do

  • Complete and return the Medical Consent form pertaining to their child’s participation within the club

  • Deliver to, and collect their child punctually from coaching sessions and races

  • Endure their child is properly and adequately attired for the weather conditions of the time, including long trousers, long sleeves and gloves for dry slope and appropriate attire for snow, details from your coach

  • Ensure that protective equipment is worn at ALL times including helmet and gloves

  • Detail any health concerns pertaining to the child on the consent form, in particular any breathing or chest conditions. Any changes in the state of the child’s health should be reported to the coach prior to coaching sessions

  • Inform the coach prior to departure from the slope if a child is to be collected early from a coaching session

  • Encourage their child to abide by the rules and teach them that they can only do their best

  • Behave responsibly when observing, and not embarrass their child

  • Be respectful towards the coach and challenge any concerns through the appropriate channels

  • Be realistic and supportive

  • Recognise good performance and not just race results

  • Ensure their child’s hygiene and nutritional needs are met

  • Accept the official’s judgment

  • Acknowledge the important and role of the club coaches who provide their time for free to ensure children’s participation in the club

  • Promote their child’s participation in snowsports for fun

  • Abide by the Snow Safe Policy

  • Abide by SSE’s Anti-bribery policy

  • ​

Parents/Carers have the right to:

  • Know their child is safe

  • Be informed of problems or concerns relating to their children

  • Be informed if their child is injured

  • Have their consent sought for issues such as trips

  • Contribute to decisions within the club

  • Complain if they have concerns about the standard of coaching

  • Be told who the Club Welfare Officer is

  • ​

Any misdemeanours and breach of this code of conduct will be dealt with immediately by the committee.
Persistent concerns or breaches will result in the parent/carer being asked not to attend if their attendance is detrimental to their child’s, or other children’s welfare.

The Coaches/committee may occasionally take photographs of your child during races/training. Please let your coach know if you do not wish any photos to be taken of your child and also ensure you have completed our indemnity and consent form and handed into a member of the committee.

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